Hi, there seems to be a limit to the number of parameters a clojure function can take.
When defining a function with more than 20 parameters I receive the following:
#<CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Exception: Can't specify more than 20 params (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0) (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)>
Obviously this can be avoided, but I was hitting this limit porting the execution model of an existing DSL to clojure, and I have constructs in my DSL like the following, which by macro expansion can be mapped to functions quite easily except for this limit:
(defAlias nn1 ((element ?e1) (element ?e2)) number
"@doc features of the elements are calculated for entry into
the first neural network, the result is the score computed by the latter"
(nn1-recall (nn1-feature00 ?e1 ?e2) (nn1-feature01 ?e1 ?e2) ... (nn1-feature89 ?e1 ?e2)))
which is a DSL statement to call a neural network with 90 input nodes. Can work around it of course, but was wondering where the limit comes from. Thanks.