



When I run the web application, I notice that Page_PreRender is fired twice. This only happens the first time in a new session. It does not happen if I refresh the page, or on postbacks. I use .NET framework 3.5 and the built in ajax functionality.

  • The problem is not related to img tag with empty src attribute (which I have seen other posts with similar problem has mentioned). I know this because I see this in both FireFox and IE. The posts I saw about this stated that this was not a problem in IE. I have also searched and found no img tags with empty src in the generated page source, so it should not be this.

  • I have also made a simple test page where I have included some of the functionality, and this does not happen.

Have anyone any suggestions on what happens?

It is the entire page cycle that is firing twice, not just render.



I've experienced it; it's probably not what you are experiencing, but I'll enter it here anyway; I've noticed it when the application does a Response.Redirect at the PreRender level, which a redirect does not stop current execution, but makes it appear the event happens twice...

Again, probably not related, but including it just in case.

You are right - it's not related to my problem. I have no redirect in the code in question.