



What book do you recommend on software development methodologies (or on a specific methodology) that good for project managers? So I'm looking for a book that overviews methodologies from the aspect of a PM not a developer.


I recommend PeopleWare.

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Also have a look at Book Reviews article.

Developer Art
I read it and I do not think it is about any methodology.
Gabriel Ščerbák
@Gabriel Ščerbák - you're right, it's not. It's a very good book but it's not a methodology book.
Jon Hopkins
@Jon Hopkins I agree, great book about software project management:)
Gabriel Ščerbák

The Mythical Man Month

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It explains in details (what most PMOs fail to understand :-)) :

"adding manpower to a late software project makes it later"

I read that as well and it as well is not about any methodology:)
Gabriel Ščerbák

Read No Silver Bullet, for an insight into why any general methodology is not going to solve your specific problems.


I assume you mean development methodologies (e.g. SCRUM, Waterfall, XP) as opposed to project management methodologies (e.g. PRINCE2)?

Extreme Programming Explained by Kent Beck is a pretty good, very straight forward book on Extreme Programming, one of the most agile of the agile methodologies.

Agile Software Development with SCRUM by Ken Schwaber or Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn are both pretty good SCRUM books.

The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioners Guide to the RUP by Per Kroll is a pretty good Rational Unified Process book.

Jon Hopkins

It depends on how much time you have and how much you want to learn. I can't think of any particular resource that surveys different processes - just books that go in-depth on a particular method or best practices.

I can list a few books.

I think Gerald Weinberg also wrote a book related to the topic but I can't seem to find the particular one I am thinking of. It had a blue cover if I recall.

There are lots of others of course, but it really depends on what you want to get out of it.
