There is a task to output some data taken from database using XSLT. The application current locale is ru_RU, so decimal separator is comma. It looks like
<date value="28.04.2010"/>
<clicks value="281"/>
<depth value="1,7"/>
<date value="29.04.2010"/>
<clicks value="15"/>
<depth value="3"/>
It’s needed to format "depth" value as decimal number: 1,70 and 3,00. When I try to transform the value ising:
<xsl:value-of select="format-number(number(depth/@value)), '##.##'"/>
I get NaN because XSLT-processor doesn’t consider comma as a decimal separator when casting attribute value to number.
It helps somehow when I manually "translate" the source string from "decimal comma" format to "decimal point" one
<xsl:value-of select="format-number(number(translate(depth/@value, ',', '.'))), '##.##'"/>
but it looks rather ugly.
Is there any more correct and centralized way to tell the processor that comma sign is a decimal separator?