Is there a way to access (and call) procedures like _CopyArray that are defined in the interface in the unit System?
NB: I am trying to create a routine that makes a deep clone of any dynamic array, and do not use Delphi 2010 (using Delphi 2007).
The reason why I am trying to solve this without using Copy is the fact that I have only a pointer where the dynamic array is located (the pointer that is) plus a typeinfo reference. I cannot call the Copy function because it implicitly needs to fill in the typeinfo.
SOLUTION: You need to reference it by replacing the _ with an @ and scoping it with system.
procedure CopyArray( dest, source, typeInfo: Pointer; cnt: Integer );
PUSH dword ptr [EBP+8]
CALL system.@CopyArray
PObject = ^TObject;
function TMessageRTTI.CloneDynArray( Source: Pointer; T: TTypeRecord ): Pointer;
TypeInfo: TTypeRecord;
L: Integer;
PObj: PObject;
PArr: PPointer;
Assert( T.TypeKind = tkDynArray );
// set size of array
Result := nil;
L := Length( TIntegerDynArray( Source ) );
if L = 0 then Exit;
DynArraySetLength( Result, T.TypeInfo, 1, @L );
if Assigned( T.TypeData^.elType ) then TypeInfo := ByTypeInfo( T.TypeData^.elType^ ) else TypeInfo := nil;
if Assigned( TypeInfo ) then begin
case TypeInfo.TypeKind of
tkClass: begin
PObj := Result;
while L > 0 do begin
PObj^ := CloneObject( PObject( Source )^ );
Inc( PObject( Source ) );
Inc( PObj );
Dec( L );
tkDynArray: begin
PArr := Result;
while L > 0 do begin
PArr^ := CloneDynArray( PPointer( Source )^, TypeInfo );
Inc( PPointer( Source ) );
Inc( PArr );
Dec( L );
else CopyArray( Result, Source, TypeInfo.TypeInfo, L );
end else begin
// We can simply clone the data
Move( Source^, Result^, L * T.ElementSize );