So, will the compiler theory still be as arid (being subjective here) as it was until now or are there any chances that we'll get more applied, programmer oriented materials ?
I'd say that compiler theory is actually pretty rich, but may not centered around C style languages. If you want to look at some powerful tools commonly used by academic language designers, I suggest that you check out functional programming languages (ML, Scheme, LISP, Haskell, OCaml, Scala, Clojure, etc.). Personally I prefer Haskell with Parsec, but there are many options. I think the common consensus is that the structure of these languages is more conducive to language design and implementation, at least in a theoretical sense.
Like Kristopher said above, programmers don't necessarily make the best language designers. I've seen some really cool DSL's and I've seen some pretty awful ones (my opinion, of course, YMMV). Knowledge of language concepts is a must for designing any language, DSL or otherwise (Type theory, category theory, various code analyses, machine optimization, etc). Not to mention, if you're designing a DSL, you have to have a fairly intimate knowledge of the domain you're targeting.
Tools off the shelf like yacc, ANTLR, flex, and cup can make building your compiler easier like buying wood from a lumberyard to build your house is easier than going off into the woods and cutting down trees. Both get you the material for the structure, but you still have to know how to build the house. We will definitely see more DSLs in the near future and these tools will help. Will the DSLs be worth using or even useable, however? The tools won't make a difference here, at least in my opinion. Language design employs a lot of real computer science and/or mathematics. Good language designers will have to at least be familiar with both, and good language implementers must be familiar with language design tools.