



I'm experiencing a weird problem with a SQL login. When I connect to the server in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (2008) using this account, I cannot see any of the tables, stored procedures etc. that this account should have access to on a particular database.

When I connect to the same server within Visual Studio (2008) with the same account everything is there. When I connect with the same account on a Virtual Machine everything is there. I've also had a co-worker connect to the server using the same login and he's able to view everything as well.

I use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio all day connecting to different servers and databases and I've never experienced this problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can diagnose this problem?

I've checked to make sure I don't have any Table filters etc.

There's several database on this server and I'm able to see the correct tables that this account has access to in the other databases just fine.

Running this query lists the tables I'm expecting to see.


fire up SQL Profiler then refresh the database list in SQLSMS and see what the query is that it uses to list the databases.

+1  A: 

I've solved my problem. It's a bug... Here are the details.
