turboPower a 0 = 1
turboPower a b
| even b = turboPower (a*a) (b `div` 2)
| otherwise = a * turboPower a (b-1)
turboPower a 0 = 1
turboPower a b
| even b = turboPower (a*a) (b `div` 2)
| otherwise = a * turboPower a (b-1)
turboPower a b = turboPower' 1 a b
turboPower' x a 0 = x
turboPower' x a b
| x `seq` a `seq` b `seq` False = undefined
| even b = turboPower' x (a*a) (b `div` 2)
| otherwise = turboPower' (x*a) a (b-1)
Basically, what you want to do is move the multiplication that you're doing in the "otherwise
" step (since that's what keeps this from being tail-recursive initially) to another parameter.
Edited to add a line making all three parameters strictly evaluated, instead of lazy, since this is one of those well-known situations where laziness can hurt us.