Does anyone know of an already implemented money type in the .net framework that supports i18n (currencies, formatting, etc)? I have been looking for a well implemented type and can't seem to find one.
I think you want to use the decimal data type, and use the appropriate overload for ToString().
CultureInfo current = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
decimal myMoney = 99.99m;
//formats as money in current culture, like $99.99
string formattedMoney = myMoney.ToString("C", current);
Check this article A Money type for the CLR
A convenient, high-performance money structure for the CLR which handles arithmetic operations, currency types, formatting, and careful distribution and rounding without loss.
yeah... make sure you use the decimal type for money.
Float is NOT accurate for decimal values.
i would use integer/long, and use a very low denomination like cents (or pence) - then there would be no decimal to work with, and all calculations can be rounded to the nearest cent.
or, take a look at Martin Fowler's book "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture". In that book, he talked about how to implement a money class.