




I'm writing a C# app using the WebBrowser control, and I want all content I display to come from embedded resources - not static local files, and not remote files.

Setting the initial text of the control to an embedded HTML file works great with this code inspired by this post:


private string loadResourceText(string name)
    Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
    StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
    String myText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    return myText;

As good as that is, files referred to in the HTML - javascript, images like <img src="whatever.png"/> etc, don't work. I found similar questions here and here, but neither is asking exactly what I mean, namely referring to embedded resources in the exe, not files.

I tried res://... and using a <base href='..." but neither seemed to work (though I may have not got it right).

Perhaps (following my own suggestion on this question), using a little embedded C# webserver is the only way... but I would have thought there is some trick to get this going?


+1  A: 

I can see three ways to get this going:

1: write the files you need to flat files in the temp area, navigate the WebBrowser to the html file, and delete them once the page has loaded

2: as you say, an embedded web-server - herhaps HttpListener - but note that this uses HTTP.SYS, and so requires admin priveleges (or you need to pre-open the port)

3: like 1, but using named-pipe server to avoid writing a file

I have to say, the first is a lot simpler and requires zero configuration.

Marc Gravell

/// Hi try this may help u. private string CheckImages(ExtendedWebBrowser browser) { StringBuilder builderHTML = new StringBuilder(browser.Document.Body.Parent.OuterHtml); ProcessURLS(browser, builderHTML, "img", "src");
ProcessURLS(browser, builderHTML, "link", "href"); // ext...

            return builderHTML.ToString();


        private static void ProcessURLS(ExtendedWebBrowser browser, StringBuilder builderHTML, string strLink, string strHref)
            for (int k = 0; k < browser.Document.Body.Parent.GetElementsByTagName(strLink).Count; k++)
                string strURL = browser.Document.Body.Parent.GetElementsByTagName(strLink)[k].GetAttribute(strHref);
                string strOuterHTML = browser.Document.Body.Parent.GetElementsByTagName(strLink)[k].OuterHtml;
                string[] strlist = strOuterHTML.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                for (int p = 0; p < strlist.Length; p++)
                    if (strlist[p].StartsWith(strHref))                        
                        builder.Append (strlist[p].Contains("http")? strlist[p] + " ":
                            (strURL.StartsWith("http") ?  strHref + "=" + strURL + " ":
                                strHref + "= " + "" + strURL + " " ));                           
                        builder.Append(strlist[p] + " ");

                builderHTML.Replace(strOuterHTML, builder.ToString());