



I have enjoyed making 2D games in various langues (actionscript 3.0, java, python, others) but now I'm ready to move into 3D and to really get me amped up while learning 3D development I'm going to attempt to make a 3D multiplayer game (I already have server written in python).

I'm looking for a platform that will run a 3D game well in the browser on low end computers with low end internet.

What first came to mind was try Java or use flash/silver light with a 3D framework but I wanted to ask the good people of stackoverflow since performance is a big part of my needs and also good documentation is a plus since I'm just starting 3D development. (the programming language does not matter)

+1  A: 

I would go for JOGL.

Performance will not be an issue when going for Java. Not as long as you handle the graphics properly (such as by using JOGL). Have a look at

On a low end computer with an okay graphics card, JOGL is the way to go above Flash and probably Unity. Flash's vector-based 2D graphics have varied levels of performance on old computers, and it doesn't really do 3D as far as I've seen. Unity is a powerful engine, and they are putting in everything but the kitchen sink in order to boost their feature list; I would be surprised if an older computer ran it smoothly, even in its normal application mode much less the browser plugin. I have not tested this though. However, JOGL (well, OpenGL) has a pretty steep learning curve for first timers!

Powerful 3D games can be created with Adobe Schockwave, for example on site:

I just tried out several Shockwave 3D games. All rendered horribly on my machine (the screen was almost all black much of the time). My computer may well qualify as a POS these days (P4 1.7GHz, 64MB GeForce4 Go), but one of the requirements was being able to work on low end hardware.
Isn't shockwave discontinued? It's certainly not installed on many computers any more, at least...
+2  A: 

Definitely Cross-platform.., web, iphone, wii.., and more coming soon.

It is so easy to learn (relatively), and so fun to work with!

It is free, or you could choose the Pro version with more advance features (profiling, etc..)

A's for iPhone, let's see if it's gonna "less is coming soon" :)

Depending on how risky you want to go and when you want to release, you might want to look at the WebGL approach.

Current Chrome and Firefox pre-releases support it and I have a feeling that the Chrome Frame will support it too in a future release, which would mean that you can even use it in Internet Explorer and other browsers.

Since pretty much all other alternatives require some plugin as well, I don't think that's a major drawback.

Joachim Sauer

I can recommend two approaches:

Coding your own plug-in, like Quakelive.

Using HTML Canvas.

That itself, open a plethora of options, there are SEVERAL ways to use Canvas, the mentioned WebGL by Mr. Sauer is one way, currently there are some people making a Quake II port to WebGL, using HTML Canvas. Other options are code yourself your own engine that use Canvas, search for some other software-based canvas engines, or attempt to use custom extensions (like the moz-3D context for Canvas...)

Flash, Unity, Silverlight, Shockwave, all them have a major flaw: They are completly closed, commonly after a plug-in update several games break, or you find some strange bugs that are never fixed, etc...

But Flash has a good amount of sites that support it, as a business decision, for now at least, is a good idea.
