




Hi, I am sending a string as the message through SMTP. But the final mail does not consider the tabs and newlines. What might be the problem Thanks in advance

+3  A: 

I am guessing that you are sending the mail as HTML, in which cases spaces, tabs, and newlines will all get collapsed down to one space.

You'll need to convert tabs to &nbsp; or similar, and replace newlines with <br> tags (or wrap paragraphs with <p> tags).

Alternately, you can send the mail as plain text, and those characters will be preserved:

var mail = new MailMessage();
mail.IsBodyHtml = false;
Thanks OrbMan... It helped
+1  A: 

Try adding the following header:

Mime-Type: text/plain

This will make most email readers keep the whitespace intact, and most of the time enforce a fixed-width font.

If you're already using HTML mail, then encapsulating everything inside of a <pre></pre> should do it. Or, if you're into CSS, you can do <div style="white-space: pre;">...</div>.

Also, make sure that what you're sending through the server has \r\n (0x0D, 0x0A) line endings and not just \n (UNIX) or \r (Mac).
