how can i make a text moving from top to bottom to top.... (like a news window) in a textBox
(Assuming windows forms)
I haven't tried to do this before, but my first attempt would include loading a bunch of text (like new headlines) into a textbox, and then making a timer that changes the vertical scroll value on the tick event? A textbox has built-in functions called ScrollToLine(), ScrollToVerticalOffset(), etc. Otherwise some controls, like panels have more direct access to scrollbar values. For example: SplitContainer.Panel1.VerticalScroll.Value = value;
If those don't work, you can always draw the text yourself via graphics object and then update the positions items are drawn at.
2010-04-30 14:36:54
you can use javascript to do it for web and if it is windows have a look at this question . Hope it helps
Vinay Pandey
2010-04-30 14:37:42