




I want to convert an image from color to B/W (i.e. no grayscale, just black and white). Does anyone have a good colormatrix to achieve this?


If you want it to look halfway decent, you'll probably want to apply some form of dithering.

Here's a full discussion, if a bit dated:


500 - Internal Server Error
I want black and white because this would be part of an image recognition process, i.e. spotting some shapes regardless of their colors.
In that case, you can probably get away with something along the lines of "Pixel[x, y] = ((R(x, y) + G(x, y) + B(x, y)) / 3) >= 127 ? 1 : 0".
500 - Internal Server Error
This is what I've already tried, but altering the image pixel by pixel in very slow.
+1  A: 

I've finally found a solution to my problem:

  1. Transform the image to grayscale, using well a known colormatrix.
  2. Use SetThreshold method of the ImageAttributes class to set the threshold that separates black from white.

Here is the C# code:

using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(SourceImage)) // SourceImage is a Bitmap object
            var gray_matrix = new float[][] { 
                new float[] { 0.299f, 0.299f, 0.299f, 0, 0 }, 
                new float[] { 0.587f, 0.587f, 0.587f, 0, 0 }, 
                new float[] { 0.114f, 0.114f, 0.114f, 0, 0 }, 
                new float[] { 0,      0,      0,      1, 0 }, 
                new float[] { 0,      0,      0,      0, 1 } 

            var ia = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();
            ia.SetColorMatrix(new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix(gray_matrix));
            ia.SetThreshold(0.8); // Change this threshold as needed
            var rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, SourceImage.Width, SourceImage.Height);
            gr.DrawImage(SourceImage, rc, 0, 0, SourceImage.Width, SourceImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);                

I've benchmarked this code and it is approximately 40 times faster than pixel by pixel manipulation.
