Hi. After update 4 and 5 I am interested to re-evaluate Delphi 2010. This time I intend to port some of my code (small scale) to see how difficult is to do it at large scale.
The main issue seems to be the ascii to unicode conversion. Any tips or resources about this that you have found useful?
Many thanks.
At this point my recomendation for other people (that want to upgrade) would be:
Note that Gif (by Melander) and Png (by Martijn Saly?) images are now incorporated in Delphi 2010. You will have to use a conditional in order to use the right GIF unit:
USES Windows, SysUtils, Graphics, blabla
, GIFImage, {Delphi 7}
GIFImg {Delphi 2010}
Also you need to "fix" the PNG provided by Embarcadero: http://talkdelphi.blogspot.com/2009_03_01_archive.html
Other things that you need to know is that you really have to backup your project before opening it in Delphi 2010. Delphi 2010 will change your DFM file even if you don't press the Save button. The form will lose data and it will not compile in D7.