



I just published a very small site to GoDaddy that I programmed in Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008. The site only contains 6 sheets, none of which are data intensive. Each has a few small images that serve mostly to navigate to the other sheets. There is no data, no SQL, nothing like that. There is one master page that governs the page layout for all of the pages. Everything works fine, for the most part.

I am posting because the site loads quite slowly, particularly considering how little content is being loaded. Can anybody give me any advice about what I should look at to speed this thing up a little bit? Is this an issue? Use of master pages? Godaddy? Something else?

I'm a newbie, so speak slowly.



Make sure that your web.config file has the compilation value for debug set to false.

<compilation defaultLanguage="C#" debug="false" />
Robert Williams
Thanks. I had already set it to false prior to deployment.
+1  A: 

There is no one silver bullet; the performance of a website can be related to anything. I'd suggest going through the Performance section of this answer. Hope that would give you an insight how might you'd solve the problem.

  • Implement caching if necessary, understand and use HTTP caching properly
  • Optimize images - don't use a 20 KB image for a repeating background
  • Learn how to gzip/deflate content (deflate is better)
  • Combine/concatenate multiple stylesheets or multiple script files to reduce number of browser connections and improve GZip ability to compress duplications between files
  • Take a look at the Yahoo Exceptional Performance site, lots of great guidelines including improving front-end performance and their YSlow tool. Google page speed is another tool for performance profiling. Both require Firebug installed.
  • Use CSS Image Sprites for small related images like toolbars (see the the "minimize http requests" point)
  • Busy web sites should consider splitting components across domains. Specifically...
  • Static content (ie, images, CSS, JavaScript, and generally content that doesn't need access to cookies) should go in a separate domain that does not use cookies, because all cookies for a domain and it's subdomains are sent with every request to the domain and its subdomains.
  • Minimize the total number of http requests required for a browser to render the page.
  • Utilize Google Closure Compiler for JavaScript and other minification tools