I have the following code:
{-# NOINLINE i2i #-}
i2i :: Int -> Integer
i2i x = toInteger x
main = print $ i2i 2
Running GHC with -ddump-simpl flag gives:
[Arity 1
Str: DmdType U(L)]
Main.i2i = GHC.Real.toInteger1
Seems that conversion from Int to Integer is lazy. Why is it so - is there a case when I can have
(toInteger _|_ ::Int) /= _|_
Edit: the question has more to do with GHC strictness analyzer, than with laziness per se. This code was derived from exploring standard mean function:
--mean :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Double
mean :: Integer -> Int -> [Integer] -> Double
mean acc n [] = fromIntegral acc / fromIntegral n
mean acc n (x:xs) = mean (acc + x) (n + 1) xs
main = print $ mean 0 0 [1..1000000]
This code runs on O(N) space. When I uncomment first line, space consumption changes to O(1). Seems that it comes down to fromIntegral call, which in turn comes down to toInteger. Strictness analyzer somehow cannot infer that conversion is strict, which seems strange to me.