hi guys,
I have a listview which displays (eventually) an album cover of an itunes play list with the album name under it. the problem I am having is that I cannot get the album art (currently a blank square) ABOVE the album name. It always is on the side... how do I do it? I've tried adding column headers and alsorts...
code to set up the listview
Dim myImageList As ImageList
albumList.View = View.Tile
albumList.TileSize = New Size(120, 150)
' Initialize the item icons.
myImageList = New ImageList()
myImageList.ImageSize = New Size(80, 80)
albumList.LargeImageList = myImageList
I then do a loop to display each album name which uses
Dim item0 As New ListViewItem(New String() _
{Albums(i).Name}, 0)
the output is http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n122/mfacer/Screenshot2010-05-02at164815.png
but as i said, I want the album name under the orange box....
any ideas?? Thanks for any info!