



I want to show a scheduling plan for a couple of seminar-rooms, each of them in a seperate column, within a fullcalendar day view. So it schould look like a current fullcalendar week view but for every single day.

Is there an obvious solution for this? And if not, where in the source should i start, what to go for, what to avoid? Some suggestions would be nice.

Thanks Emanuel


I would say submit a feature request to the plugin developer as something like this would likely require some significant modification to the plugin itself.


Hi Emanuel Schwarz, how do you have reached your result? I've tried to develop a system for booking multiple resources, this is the scheme that i've in mind:

| M 1 | T 2 | W 3 | T 4 | F 5 |

resource 1 | |////booked////// //////|

resource 2 | |/booked/// | | |

resource 3 |//booked///| | | |

resource 4 | | |/////booked /////|

Now my problem is: I've succesfully modified the month and agenda views with four weeks, but my problem it's that when I select a day more of the first week (also if already has and event) they show all in first week! You've sayed:

I just took the agenda-week-view with a modified agenda prototype that prints seminar-room names instead of day identifiers ---- How do you write multiple seminars rooms rows with that title?

and i add a day-offset to the events so they get into the right columns. ---- OK, just what I need to hear :-) ! How do you get this result? Is in a month?

As i just need this one as standalone view, all i've got to do is changing some view properties, like hiding the all-day-pannel and voila. ----You've hided agenda view with minTime to 0 and maxTime to 0, right?

Its quite a hack ... Yes, I'ts a pity, but I want to develop this extension for the program, because it will be more productive if he will display a series of resources in a month view like agendaWeek view do (so all day events with no hour display).


How about trying out Ext Scheduler for the timeline view while using FullCalendar for the classic calendar view? Should be possible to combine the two :)

Note: ext-scheduler is a not cheap commercial JS component.
Larry K


would you be able to post the modified code? It would be really useful to see how it can be achieved.

Regards, Ganesh


I've modified the original fullcalendar to handle "resources".. The goal was about the same as Emanuel described.

It's not the best, but might be a good starting point. For now it has bugs and unfinished code, but you can try it out:
