




I Have a script, getting text from DB and post it on other DB.

Problem is, if I have a Text lngen then 840 Words, I can't call this page. Get an error about "Not Found" or "Connection brocken" or what ever. In FF i get no error, only blank page.

I found out the Problem is in lenght of the query i send... but how can i fix it???

My it be the Problem, if a query is longer then 6000 Characters?

+2  A: 

Use post method to send data, some browsers have limit on 2000 chars when sending data trough get method.

you can find more data at this link http://uk2.php.net/curl
How can i change the send method to a database?!
+1  A: 

Try printing the query in the page you're trying to use it to see if it is really being constructed the way you want, also, try using the query directly in the database manager to see if the problem is the lenght.


Depends on exactly what's killing your connection. GET queries have a length limit to them, which varies depending on the server operating system, the client browser, and any proxies/cacheing systems in the middle.

If it's a webserver limitation, there should be something in the server's error logs about an aborted request.

You could also be hitting the MySQL 'max_allowed_packet' limit, which limits the size of the sql query. You can view the current limit with show variables like '%packet%' from within the MySQL monitor. Details on this are here.

Marc B
Max Package is 4 MB... i rised it up to 16 MB, stil the same Problem
By query, do you mean an SQL query, or a query as in http://example.com?somevar=verylongvalue?
Marc B