Using the answer from this question:
* date
* record_id (pk)
* data_field
INSERT INTO new_table (date,record_id,data_field)
SELECT date, record_id, data_field FROM old_table
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, data_field=old_table.data_field;
I need this to work with a group by and join.. so to edit:
INSERT INTO new_table (date,record_id,data_field,value)
SELECT date, record_id, data_field, SUM(other_table.value) as value FROM old_table JOIN other_table USING(record_id) GROUP BY record_id
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, data_field=old_table.data_field, value = value;
I can't seem to get the value updated. If I specify old_table.value I get a not defined in field list error.