



I've got a C# function that converts a byte array to a class, given it's type:

IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rawsize);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, buffer, rawsize);
object result = Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, type);

I use sequential structs:

public new class PacketFormat : Packet.PacketFormat { }

This worked fine, until I tried to convert to a struct/class containing a byte array.

public new class PacketFormat : Packet.PacketFormat
  public byte header;
  public byte[] data = new byte[256];

Marshal.SizeOf(type) returns 16, which is too low (should be 257) and causes Marshal.PtrToStructure to fail with the following error:

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

I'm guessing that using a fixed array would be a solution, but can it also be done without having to resort to unsafe code?

+3  A: 

You need to use a fixed size byte array.

public unsafe struct PacketFormat
  public byte header;
  public fixed byte data[256];
My question was whether it could be done without unsafe code.
+3  A: 

No need for unsafe code:

public struct PacketFormat
  public byte header;
  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 256)] public byte[] data;
Thanks, that worked!