I need a SQL query that returns results matched by EITHER of the following SQL queries:
Query 1:
SELECT "annotations".* FROM "annotations" INNER JOIN "votes" ON "votes".voteable_id = "annotations".id AND "votes".voteable_type = 'Annotation'
WHERE (votes.vote = 't' AND votes.voter_id = 78)
Query 2:
SELECT "annotations".* FROM "annotations" INNER JOIN "songs" ON "songs".id = "annotations".song_id INNER JOIN "songs" songs_annotations ON "songs_annotations".id = "annotations".song_id INNER JOIN "users" ON "users".id = "songs_annotations".state_last_updated_by_id
WHERE (annotations.referent IS NOT NULL AND annotations.updated_at < '2010-04-05 01:51:24' AND (body = '?' OR body LIKE '%[?]%') AND ((users.id = songs.state_last_updated_by_id and users.needs_edit = 'f' and songs.state != 'work_in_progress') OR (songs.state = 'published'))
Here's what I tried, but it doesn't work:
SELECT "annotations".* FROM "annotations" INNER JOIN "songs" ON "songs".id = "annotations".song_id INNER JOIN "songs" songs_annotations ON "songs_annotations".id = "annotations".song_id INNER JOIN "users" ON "users".id = "songs_annotations".state_last_updated_by_id INNER JOIN "votes" ON "votes".voteable_id = "annotations".id AND "votes".voteable_type = 'Annotation' WHERE ((votes.vote = 't' and votes.voter_id = 78) OR (annotations.referent IS NOT NULL and annotations.updated_at < '2010-04-05 01:43:52' and (annotations.body = '?' OR annotations.body LIKE '%[?]%') and ((users.id = songs.state_last_updated_by_id and users.needs_edit = 'f') OR songs.state = 'published')))