



I would like to know the number of users logged into my ASP.NET 2.0 application.

Points to be considered: 1) Simplest way would be to use Application or Cache object to have the counts on Session start or end. However this would fail if there is a worker process recycle. Wouldn't it?

2) Should't make a difference whether the session is inproc/state server managed/ or SQL server managed.

3) Should preferably be seamless to a web-farm architecture.

+1  A: 

You should store a user's online status in a database. Each time a page is navigated, their LastActivity information (in the database table) is updated.

Create a SQL job that runs and logs users off if there is X amount of inactivity (and of course, if they actually do hit logout, update the database to mark the user offline)

I was hoping to avoid an explicit CRUD operation for this purpose...
Srikanth Venugopalan

ASP.Net comes with several performance counters

State Server Sessions Active The number of currently active user sessions. This counter is available only on the computer where the state server service (aspnet_state) is running.

Requests/Sec The number of requests executed per second. This represents the current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (such as garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so on).

Raj Kaimal
How does this approach rate when looking at a web-farm architecture? Also, what is the alternative when using InProc mode?
Srikanth Venugopalan
+1  A: 

If you use the built-in ASP.NET membership provider, then there's the ever-so-handy Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline() method.

(Of course, it only works authenticated users...)

Dean Harding
+1 to you. Any do's and don'ts in a web-farm architecture? Is this a machine dependant approach?
Srikanth Venugopalan
The ASP.NET membership stuff uses a provider-based architecture, so it depends which provider you use. All of the built-in ones (SqlMembershipProvider, ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider) work in a web farm, though.
Dean Harding