



Hello all,

i need to get the value of 3 hidden fields in a gridviewrow where the checkbox has been checked & build a querystring with them. I can only use Javascript, it's not possible to use postback in our framework :s Any ideas?



Hi sam,

If you are use jquery in you framework just use jQuery.getJSON() to update the state

Muse VSExtensions

this is probably easier that it seems.

first lets get a reference to the gridview (rendered as a table)

var t = document.getElementById('<% =GridView1.ClientID %>'); // use your gridview's id

then we'll need a list of checkboxes

var tableInputs = t.getElementsByTagName('input'); // gets all input elements within the table
var chkList = []; // array where we'll keep track of marked checkboxes

for(var i=0; i<tableInputs.length; i++) {

// see if it's a checkbox and whether or not it's checked
    if (tableInputs[i].type.match(/checkbox/i) && tableInputs[i].checked) {
        // it is and it is, so add it to the list

now you can use the checkboxes to get reference to specific rows and find the hidden elements

var fields;
var tr = null;

for (var j = 0; j < chkList.length; j++) {
    // look up the heirarchy until you find the table row
    tr = chkList[j].parentNode;
    while (!tr.nodeName.match(/tr/i)) {
        tr = chkList[j].parentNode;

    // repeat the checkbox process for hidden fields
    fields = tr.getElementsByTagName('input'); // all inputs in the same row
    for (var k = 0; k < fields.length; k++) {
        // see if it's a hidden field
        if (fields[k].type.match(/hidden/i)) {
            //TODO: here's a hidden field, do something

    tr = null;

I don't always remember when tag names are case sensitive so i default to case-insensitive regex.


If you are using jQuery

var values = [];
$.each($("#gridid .hiddenfields"), function(i, item) {

this will get you an array with the values, also the hidden fields must be class = "hiddenfields", hope this helps.
