Hello all,
i need to get the value of 3 hidden fields in a gridviewrow where the checkbox has been checked & build a querystring with them. I can only use Javascript, it's not possible to use postback in our framework :s Any ideas?
Hello all,
i need to get the value of 3 hidden fields in a gridviewrow where the checkbox has been checked & build a querystring with them. I can only use Javascript, it's not possible to use postback in our framework :s Any ideas?
Hi sam,
If you are use jquery in you framework just use jQuery.getJSON() to update the state
this is probably easier that it seems.
first lets get a reference to the gridview (rendered as a table)
var t = document.getElementById('<% =GridView1.ClientID %>'); // use your gridview's id
then we'll need a list of checkboxes
var tableInputs = t.getElementsByTagName('input'); // gets all input elements within the table
var chkList = []; // array where we'll keep track of marked checkboxes
for(var i=0; i<tableInputs.length; i++) {
// see if it's a checkbox and whether or not it's checked
if (tableInputs[i].type.match(/checkbox/i) && tableInputs[i].checked) {
// it is and it is, so add it to the list
now you can use the checkboxes to get reference to specific rows and find the hidden elements
var fields;
var tr = null;
for (var j = 0; j < chkList.length; j++) {
// look up the heirarchy until you find the table row
tr = chkList[j].parentNode;
while (!tr.nodeName.match(/tr/i)) {
tr = chkList[j].parentNode;
// repeat the checkbox process for hidden fields
fields = tr.getElementsByTagName('input'); // all inputs in the same row
for (var k = 0; k < fields.length; k++) {
// see if it's a hidden field
if (fields[k].type.match(/hidden/i)) {
//TODO: here's a hidden field, do something
tr = null;
I don't always remember when tag names are case sensitive so i default to case-insensitive regex.