



For some reason, I can't seem to store an array of my class into the settings. Here's the code:

            var newLink = new Link();
            Properties.Settings.Default.Links = new ArrayList();

In my Settings.Designer.cs I specified the field to be an array list:

    public global::System.Collections.ArrayList Links {
        get {
            return ((global::System.Collections.ArrayList)(this["Links"]));
        set {
            this["Links"] = value;

For some reason, it won't save any of the data even though the Link class is serializable and I've tested it.

+1  A: 

Make sure that your Link class is either correctly XML-serializable or that it has a typeconverter to string (which is preferred when using application.settings files).

I'd assume that something in your types will not transform into the XML-serialization format. And your user.config shows that it doesn't have any string typeconverter available.


I found the source of the problem. Simply using a plain Array won't cut it. After thinking about it, the deserializer wouldn't know what type to deserialize the array items to. I failed to see that the array required strong typing. The designer lead me to foolishly believe it was a plain generic array:

    public List<Link> Links
        get {
            return ((List<Link>)(this["Links"]));
        set {
            this["Links"] = value;

I had to make these changes in the Settings.Designer.cs and not from the designer.

Joel Rodgers

How exactly did you make the Link class serializable? Could you post an example?


It didn't work for me because I forgot to declare the class to be serialized as public. So:

public class Link {}


class Link {}

Bas Korsmit