



I am running a website on my local machine ("http://localhost/asdf") and trying to get some file:// protocol links to work. In reality I'm trying to open a folder, not a specific file, but I can't get either to work.

I've put localhost in my "trusted zone", I've tried every combo of "file" ,":", some number of "/" and then a whole bunch of different paths, but encoded and not encoded.

Nothing I do causes anything to open when I click on the link. If I copy the link destination, and paste that in the browser address window, then it works as expected.

Anyone know the secret?


Local server is something different than just file://, that should work in IE as it is. However, if you probably want to check out apache alias and link that folder to your server. Btw, you should not use file protocol anyway, it will not work on production.

Mikulas Dite
The web app is running in a intranet environment, with the file:// pointing to locations on various file servers that are on the same network as the current user. The purpose of the link is to open the a folder for the user to manipulate: move files around, drag new files into folders, rename files/folder etc. It would be really overkill to try to build all that functionality into a browser app.
It's your call, yet I suggest using absolute paths on the server. File stream is definitely not as much reliable.
Mikulas Dite

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