Is there a method to detect the value of a image rgb that is blury?
I simply want to store the blury value of my image in a variable called blury value? Is there a dedicated function?
%image1 which is rgb is stored in variable img1
img1 = imread('102.jpg');
% conversion to grayscale stored in img1_grey variable
img1_grey = rgb2gray(img1);
blury_value = function_matlab(img1)
So is a value that indicates me how blur is my image.
If my image is very blur he must have a value higher.
So I search a method to store the value that indicates how my rgb image is blur so the value that indicates the level of my blur image.
I found an article here that use edge detection and the level of the degree of my image if it's blured or not.
Also it says that I must use HWT algorithm. I searched on google blur detection for digital images using using wavelet transform and it's the first pdf.