



It seems that this question has been asked before, I just would like to know whether there is an update in Android.

I plan to write an audio application involving low delay audio I/O (appr. < 10 ms). It seems not to be possible based on the methods proposed by the SDK, hence is there - in the meantime - a way to achieve this goal using the NDK?

+1  A: 

there are currently no libraries in the NDK for accessing the android sound system, at least none that are considered safe to use (are stable).

Have you done any tests with the AudioTrack class? Its the lowest latency option available at the moment.

The problem is the minimum buffersize constraint of the AudioTrack class. This size is significantly too large to realize low delay audio. And on real devices (Motorola Droid), the shown buffersize is even higher than with the emulator..
@hkhauke The size of the AudioTrack buffer won't impact the latency of audio playback. To put it another way you don't have to fill the AudioTrack buffer for playback to start if you've set MODE_STREAM. The real question will be how fast the underlying audio system in Android performs as well as how fast the audio hardware itself is.
Thank you for that hint, I will test that mode!