



For simplicity. I have a window, with a bindable usercontrol

<UserControl Content="{Binding Path = BindingControl, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">

I have two user controls, ControlA, and ControlB, Both UserControls have their own Datacontext ViewModel, ControlAViewModel and ControlBViewModel.

Both ControlAViewModel and ControlBViewModel inh. from a "ViewModelBase"

public abstract class ViewModelBase : DependencyObject, INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable........

Main window was added to IoC... To set the property of the Bindable UC, i do

ComponentRepository.Resolve<MainViewWindow>().Bindingcontrol= new ControlA;

ControlA, in its Datacontext, creates a DispatcherTimer, to do "somestuff"..

Later on., I need to navigate elsewhere, so the other usercontrol is loaded into the container

ComponentRepository.Resolve<MainViewWindow>().Bindingcontrol= new ControlB

If i put a break point in the "someStuff" that was in ControlA's datacontext. The DispatcherTimer is still running...

i.e. loading a new usercontrol into the bindable Usercontrol on mainwindow does not dispose/close/GC the DispatcherTimer that was created in the DataContext View Model...

Ive looked around, and as stated by others, dispose doesnt get called because its not supposed to...


Not all my usercontrols have DispatcherTimer, just a few that need to do some sort of "read and refresh" updates./.

Should i track these DispatcherTimer objects in the ViewModelBase that all Usercontrols inh. and manually stop/dispose them everytime a new usercontrol is loaded? Is there a better way?