




I am trying to convert a conversation I downloaded from Wikipedia into XML. I used the special export to get the page in XML format... that works great until I get to the main conversation.

    {{PersonB|I like it too...}}

Thats not the real conversation... anyway, I'm wondering whats the easiest way to convert a MASSIVE conversation like that into valid XML?

    <personB>I like it too...</personB>

Thanks, this is far too long to do it manually. I'm guessing regex can help out... somehow.

+2  A: 





This is a simple solution that will fit your sample, but depending on the exact format, a more complex expression may be needed. E.g., what if a name contains a pipe? What if the text contains two closing curly brackets? Can text span multiple lines?

Max Shawabkeh
Thanks Max, I'll try that out... So will I need a special text editor to perform that action? Also, how are the $1 and $2 variables defined?
You need a text editor that supports regular expressions. I suppose most of them do by now, but you will have to tell the search/replace command to use them. `$1` (often also written `\1`) is a backreference, containing what was matched in the first set of parentheses.
Tim Pietzcker
Thanks for all the help guys... Saved me a few hours work :P