




Is there a generally recommended approach to backing up an SQL CE/SQLite database over the Internet? The client source is .NET/Windows based, the backup destination runs Ubuntu.

I am using a small SQL CE database and have been trying to figure out the most reasonable approach to doing this. The file size (in terms of transfer time/bandwidth) isn't a big deal. I had a look around, and so far the things I've given thought are:

  1. Online backup services (Dropbox, Mozy)
  2. Opening an FTP/SFTP connection
  3. Writing a custom protocol with public/private keys

Unsure regarding #1 because I doubt they would like it if somebody transferred gigabytes of data using a POST; and they do not seem to offer native (or .NET) APIs.

FTP/SFTP seems risky in terms of security and privileges (as the password/key would need to be stored on the client side). With the right user group/user privileges this may work.

Custom protocol seems overkill, which is why I am hoping somebody has already defined a reasonable API for language/platform-independent backups over the Internet.

Any hints S.O.?