Columns Words, WordsCount
For each value of Words "x y z" update wordscount with 3 , "a b" with 2, "a b c d" with 4 and etc...
How can I do it with/without .Net program ?
Columns Words, WordsCount
For each value of Words "x y z" update wordscount with 3 , "a b" with 2, "a b c d" with 4 and etc...
How can I do it with/without .Net program ?
You might be able to do this with a split function where you split on a space:
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_Split] (@DelimitedList nvarchar(max), @Delimiter nvarchar(2) = ',')
RETURNS @SplitResults TABLE (Position int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Value nvarchar(max))
Declare @DelimiterLength int
Set @DelimiterLength = DataLength(@Delimiter) / 2
If Left(@DelimitedList, @DelimiterLength) <> @Delimiter
Set @DelimitedList = @Delimiter + @DelimitedList
If Right(@DelimitedList, @DelimiterLength) <> @Delimiter
Set @DelimitedList = @DelimitedList + @Delimiter
Insert @SplitResults(Position, Value)
Select CharIndex(@Delimiter, A.list, N.Value) + @DelimiterLength
, Substring (
, CharIndex(@Delimiter, A.list, N.Value) + @DelimiterLength
, CharIndex(@Delimiter, A.list, N.Value + 1)
- ( CharIndex(@Delimiter, A.list, N.Value) + @DelimiterLength )
From dbo.Numbers As N
Cross Join (Select @DelimitedList As list) As A
Where N.Value > 0
And N.Value < LEN(A.list)
And Substring(A.list, N.Value, @DelimiterLength) = @Delimiter
Order By N.Value
Update Table
Set WordCount = (
Select Count(*)
From dbo.udf_Split(Table.WordlistCol, ' ')
This version of a split function relies on the existence of a Numbers
table which contains a sequential list of integer values.
If you can count on all words always being separated by one space:
UPDATE table SET WordCount = (LEN(Words) - LEN(REPLACE(Words, ' ', ''))) + 1
This breaks when there is nothing or NULL in Words, but you get the idea..