I'm writing a VB.net program for a website that uses the AJAX Lits options http://www.ajaxdaddy.com/demo-dhtml-autocomplete.html
Whats more is that the website has used additional arguments in the function that i'm not exactly sure what they are calling, and there a trigger that executes an action that must be click, tabbing and returning fail.
Any idea on how to automate this? This website has been a holy terror since it was unleashed on my company.
I've tried this:
Dim ObjArr(4) As Object
ObjArr(0) = CObj("prac_select")
ObjArr(1) = CObj("'getCountriesByLetters'")
ObjArr(2) = CObj("1")
ObjArr(3) = CObj("'prac_name'")
ObjArr(4) = CObj("'practice'")
WebBrowser1.Document.InvokeScript("ajax_showOptions", ObjArr)