I am more and more tempted to try jQueryUI. I'm sort of scared, though, that whenever a feature I need is missing, it will be hard to customize the widgets to my needs, so rolling my own widgets as needed may be a ore secure bet.
In particular what I'd like to know is:
How difficult is it to go beyond the basic themes? Say I want to widgets to match the design of my site, can I do this?
What if I need a widget to do a more complex interaction than it is designed for? For instance I created a widget for multiple inputs which works like this. The user writes the input in a text field. If he clicks on a + button, the input is copied in another place, and the input text is emptied, and so on. All the input is then submitted as a multiselect. Now, what if I wanted to use jQueryUI autocomplete on the input field? Can I expect that the other custom interaction will break the widget?
In the end, is it worth the pain to use jQueryUI? I feel like I will lose more time in customizing it than I would in writing the widgets myself. Is this true?