I am trying to create an array with different hrefs to then attach to 5 separate elements.
This is my code:
var link = new Array('link1', 'link2', 'link3', 'link4', 'link5');
.attr('class',options.numericId + (i+1))
.html('<a rel='+ i +' href=\"page.php# + 'link'\">'+ '</a>')
.appendTo($("."+ options.numericId))
As you can see I am trying to append these items from the array to the end of my page so each link will take the user to a different section of the page. But i have not been able to do this. Is there a way to to create elements with different links?
I am new to javascript so I am sorry if this doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If anyone is confused by what i am asking here I can try to clarify if I get some feedback.
The code I would Like output is:
<ul class="controls">
<li class="controls1"><a href="page.php#link1"></a></li>
<li class="controls2"><a href="page.php#link2"></a></li>
<li class="controls3"><a href="page.php#link3"></a></li>
<li class="controls4"><a href="page.php#link4"></a></li>
<li class="controls5"><a href="page.php#link5"></a></li>
Which is similar to what I am getting, however when I apply the fix that andres descalzo has supplied, my list elements are each repeating themselves 5 times.
Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.