




I need to create a user control in C#.Net, which can be added to the application without being visible - just like the FolderBrowserDialog. It's a new window which I'll be using often so I think this is the right way. The window will be opened by envoking the showDialog-Method as known from the other dialog.

Any Idea? Thanks and regards,


+3  A: 

simply set Visible to false or isn't this what you're asking for ?

no, I need a control which can be added to a form application without having a real control which is added to the current form. Like the FolderBrowserDialog which is added at the bottom of the Visual Studio Window and which can be used as a normal object but without having any control added to the form by default.
+4  A: 

Since all these "invisible" controls derive from Component class, you should start by reading the MSDN article on it:

Mikhail Orlov
Thanks for all your replies - I'll read more about components in general and then return to asking questions ;-)
+2  A: 

A UserControl is by definition not a Form; I think what you really want is a Component. That said, couldn't you really just create a new Form class that has the functionality you want? Whenever you want to display it, create a new instance and call ShowDialog. Or, if you want to preserve state, add an instance as a class member to your parent form, call its Show method whenever you want to display it, and add an event handler to its FormClosing event to check:

if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing)

and, if so,

e.Cancel = true;

(This last part is to prevent errors if the user closes the form and then tries to display again after it's been disposed.)

Dan Tao

I think more information may be needed, but if your crating a custom user control, the control should have a .Visible property. The follow is an example of how a button can be located on the form but hidden from a user.

button.Visible = true;  // shows the button
button.Show(); // Shows the button
button.Visible = false; // hides the button
button.Hide(); // Hides the button

While the button may still be on the form/control, it will not be interactible by the user. You can still perform programmatic control on the button, but essentially it is not a user control while it is 'hidden'. If you want there to be a sort of hidden button that the user can click you will need to do other things to obtain this but It doesn't should like that is what you want.

Jim McFetridge

You can put that control in a Panel. Set the panel height = 0 visible = false when you dont want to show the control. And do the vice versa when you want to show it.
