



I have a LINQ to SQL query returning rows from a table into an IQueryable object.

IQueryable<MyClass> items = from table in DBContext.MyTable
select new MyClass
 ID = table.ID,
 Col1 = table.Col1,
 Col2 = table.Col2

I then want to perform a SQL "WHERE ... IN ...." query on the results. This works fine using the following. (return results with id's ID1 ID2 or ID3)

sQuery = "ID1,ID2,ID3";
string[] aSearch = sQuery.Split(',');
items = items.Where(i => aSearch.Contains(i.ID));

What I would like to be able to do, is perform the same operation, but not have to specify the i.ID part. So if I have the string of the field name I want to apply the "WHERE IN" clause to, how can I use this in the .Contains() method?

+2  A: 

There's a couple of ways to do this. One way is to use Dynamic Linq. Another way is to use Predicate Builder.

Robert Harvey
Robert, thanks for your post. Dynamic Linq looks like it will allow me to specify the field as a string based query, which is what I want, but I'm not sure it supports the SQL IN clause.Predicate Builder looks like i could create an expression by chaining Predicate.Or expressions together, but i don't know how i can use my column name string in each of these. I've attempted though reflection, and calling the Equals method, but no luck yet.
+1  A: 

Your have to build an expression tree. It will end up looking like this (partial code, will not compile). This one does both contains and equals. Used in this project:

 var param = Expression.Parameter(filterType, propertyName);
                    var right = Expression.Constant(propertyValue, modelMetaData.ModelType);
                    var left = Expression.Property(param, filterType.GetProperty(propertyName));

                    LambdaExpression predicate = null;

                    if (searchFilterAttribute.FilterType == FilterType.Contains) //FilterType is Contains
                        var methodContains = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) });
                        var filterContains = Expression.Call(left, methodContains, right);
                        predicate = Expression.Lambda(filterContains, param);
                    else //FilterType is Equals
                        var expr = Expression.Equal(left, right);
                        predicate = Expression.Lambda(expr, param);


                    var expression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Where", new Type[] { queryable.ElementType },
                    queryable = queryable.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(expression);

I may rewrite this into a reusable extension method (it is too specific to that project at the moment) and blog about it.

Raj Kaimal
Thanks for your answer Raj, but I think that will allow me to check if a field contains a string. I want to perform an SQL IN equivalent using contains. i.e. array contains field, rather than field contains string.