



Is there a way to make the DataContractSerializer serialize a [MessageContract] the same way it appears when transmitted over SOAP?

I have a class that appears as follows on the wire for a WCF call:

<TestRequest xmlns=""&gt;
  <Name>Just Me</Name>

When serializing using the DCS, it looks like this:

<TestRequest xmlns:i="" z:Id="1" xmlns:z="" xmlns=""&gt;
  <_x003C_Name_x003E_k__BackingField z:Id="2">Just Me</_x003C_Name_x003E_k__BackingField>

I'm convinced this inconsistency is because my class is marked up as a message contract instead of a data contract:

    public class TestRequest
        public string Name { get; set; }

Is there a way to make the DCS serialize messages the same way WCF does when it creates a SOAP message?


I guess you are looking for Data Contract Surrogates. BTW you can use the DataContractSerializer's constructor to set the namespace and root name.

Data Contract Surrogates are not what I want. I want to create the SOAP XML exactly the same way WCF does.