



I'm working with the jQuery sortable plugin( 2 connected lists) and have a strange bug. When you drag the picture the mouse is above the dragged item


Html for one of the lists

    <ul class="flickr_key_ul ui-sortable">       
            <li><img style="display: inline;" src="" alt="Up the Ginnel" title="Up the Ginnel" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: inline;" src="" alt="Down the Ginnel" title="Down the Ginnel" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: inline;" src="" alt="Entering the Ginnel" title="Entering the Ginnel" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: inline;" src="" alt="Up Bachelor Lane" title="Up Bachelor Lane" class="flickr_image"></li>

            <li><img style="display: inline;" src="" alt="Down Bachelor Lane" title="Down Bachelor Lane" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: none;" src="" alt="Flower" title="Flower" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: none;" src="" alt="Steps" title="Steps" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: none;" src="" alt="Hopwood Bridle Way" title="Hopwood Bridle Way" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: none;" src="" alt="Cat, Sleeping" title="Cat, Sleeping" class="flickr_image"></li>
            <li><img style="display: none;" src="" alt="Road Cones, Hiding" title="Road Cones, Hiding" class="flickr_image"></li>

sortable configuration:

 horizontal: {
            helper: "clone", // Instead of dragging the real image a copy will be dragged
            connectWith: ["#flickr_sidebar ul"], // To be able to drag and drop an image to another image gallery they need to be connected
            cursor: 'pointer', //change the cursor when dragging
            appendTo: 'body', //When dropped the images need to be appended to the image gallery where they are dropped
            containment: rootel, //Make sure the user can't drag the images outside the widget
            revert: true, // if the user releases the image ouside the dropbox it'll return to it's original position
            zIndex: 9999

Anyone know how to get the mouse in the middle or something ? (cursorAt doesn't work)

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