



I´m using mvc futures 2 with WebApiEnabled for XML and JSON support. But due to cross domain issues with jQuery $.ajax I´m lookin in to JSONP.

Is there a simple way to extend futures rest function for JSONP or should I do something else.

Do anyone have some hints on this subject ?


The REST for ASP.NET MVC SDK contains a Word file explaining how you could extend it by adding a custom format:

ASP .NET MVC provides capability to return HTML. MVC REST adds out of the box support to return the two most popular formats for programmatic access on the web: XML and JSON. In addition, you can also handle additional formats. This section shows how you can add support for a custom format such as Atom using the provided extensibility. The process involves creating a custom Format Handler, and registering it to handle requests, responses, or both. The steps specific to enabling custom formats are described below:

  1. Create a custom format handler that may implement either or both of the interfaces IRequestFormatHandler and IResponseFormatHandler.
  2. Register the custom format handler in global.asax in Application_Start

In the included MovieApp sample you will find an implementation for AtomFormatHandler which you could use as a base for adding the JSONP functionality. I've also written a JsonpResult which you may take a look at.

Darin Dimitrov