



I have a XAML based ContextMenu bound to the rows in a datagrid. It works just fine - until the grid is scrolled!

This is the context menu for one of the controls in the visual tree or a DataGrid row.

<data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Customer Details" Width="*">
            <Grid Background="Transparent"> <!-- allows click in entire cell -->


                    <controlsInputToolkit:MenuItem Header="{Binding CompletedOrderId,StringFormat='Create Reminder for order #\{0\}'}"  
                        <Image Width="19" Height="18" Source="../images/reminders.png" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>


The ICommand is CreateReminderCommand and the CommandParameter is bound to the data item for the row itself.

This works just fine - I can right click on a row and it will show me the correct text in the menu item 'Create Reminder for order 12345'.

Then I scroll the datagrid down a page. If I keep right clicking on items then suddenly I'll see the wrong order number for a row. I think what must be happening is this :

  • The DataGrid is reusing instances of MenuItem that it has previously created.

How can I force a refresh of the ContextMenu when it is displayed for an item that changes? There's no 'Update method on the ContextMenu or ContextMenuService.


Is this still a bug, or has it been fixed? If it has been fixed, what it the new example?

Andrew Lindzon