



I would like to offer a webservice via JSONP and was wondering, if I need to sanitize the value from the callback parameter.

My current server side script looks like this currently (More or less. Code is in PHP, but could be anything really.):

header("Content-type: application/javascript");
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . json_encode($data) . ')';

This is a classic XSS-vulnerability.

If I need to sanitize it, then how? I was unable to find enough information about what might be allowed callback strings. I quote from Wikipedia:

While the padding (prefix) is typically the name of a callback function that is defined within the execution context of the browser, it may also be a variable assignment, an if statement, or any other Javascript statement prefix.

+1  A: 

Yes, when callback is like

(function xss(x){evil()})

When you echo back from php, will looks like

(function xss(x){evil()})(json)

function xss will run and evil() can be some codes sending cookies to somewhere else.

So, sanitize it to only valid function names, for example, limit it to alphanumeric

Please explain something downvoter.
Looks good. I'll try this.
christian studer