How do I instruct Nant to tell MySql to run ddl scripts from a particular location and then run other scripts as instructed?
Google let me to many sites which unfortunately do not work...
How do I instruct Nant to tell MySql to run ddl scripts from a particular location and then run other scripts as instructed?
Google let me to many sites which unfortunately do not work...
I use a nant script to recreate mysql stored procedures from files stored on a "procedures" folder. My Nant target looks like:
<target name="migrate-storeds" description="Creates stored procedures">
<echo message="Creating Stored Procedures"/>
<foreach item="File" property="filename">
<include name="procedures\*.sql"></include>
<echo message="filename ${filename}"/>
<exec program="${mysql.path}\mysql"
commandline='--host=${database.server} --user=${database.user} --password=${database.pwd} ${} -e "source ${filename}"'/>
<echo message="Procedures created succesfully"/>
You should be able to run scripts ddl against MySql using the <sql>
task in the NAntContrib project. <sql>
requires an OLEDB connection, and as far as I can tell MySql supports this.