I noticed in premium edition Data menu with Data Compare option which does everything I need. Just wondering whether there is a way to automate what's done in GUI from my application. Ideally I'd like to get collections of different/left/right rows
Start here with VSDBCMD.EXE. Then see Schema Compare DTE Commands.
I suspect something like
devenv /Command Data.NewSchemaComparison [/ProviderType ConnectionBased | ProjectBased | FileBased] [/ConnectionString connection] | [/DatabaseName databaseName] | [/ConnectionName name] | [ProjectName proj] | [/FileName fileName] [/DspFamily family][ProviderType ConnectionBased | ProjectBased | FileBased] [/ConnectionString connection] | [/DatabaseName databaseName] | [/ConnectionName name] | [ProjectName proj] | [/FileName fileName] [/DspFamily family]
I'm hoping that there is a similar command for Data Compare.
Preet Sangha
2010-05-06 09:04:39
I am primarily interested in Data not Schema comparison.
2010-05-06 09:40:52