




When I am trying to compress jQuery with YUICompressor on UNIX machine, it adds some strange words which causes crash on jquery init:

(function(window,undefined){var jQuery=function(selector,context){return new jQuery.fn.init(selector,context)}get ,_jQuery=window.jQuery

Note 'get ' before ,_jQuery=window.jQuery. There is no 'get ' in source code of course.

When compressing on windows machine all things are ok.

Any clues?


On day 1 of the "14 days of jQuery," it is mentioned you can download jQuery already minified:

As usual, we provide two copies of jQuery, one minified (we now use the Google Closure Compiler as the default minifier) and one uncompressed (for debugging or reading).

Also, check out jQuery compiled with Google Closure Compiler.

Kevin Hakanson
yeah, nice! but I have asked about compression problem of YUICompressor. When developing production code, you need uncompressed JS for dev environment and compressed JS for prod environment. And that is pretty nasty to make special exceptions for already compressed files.