I have a simple test file, TestMe.cpp:
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
TEST(MyTest, SomeTest) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, 1);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
I have Google Test built as a static library. (I can provide the makefile if it's relevant.)
I can compile TestMe.cpp from a command-line with no problem:
g++ TestMe.cpp -IC:\gtest-1.5.0\gtest-1.5.0\include -L../gtest/staticlib -lgtest -o TestMe.exe
It runs as expected.
However, I cannot get this to compile in Qt. My Qt project file, in the same directory:
SOURCES += TestMe.cpp
INCLUDEPATH += C:\gtest-1.5.0\gtest-1.5.0\include
LIBS += -L../gtest/staticlib -lgtest
This results in 17 "unresolved external symbol" errors related to gtest functions.
I'm pulling my hair out here, as I'm sure it's something simple. Any ideas?
Here are some of the external symbols that are undefined:
TestMe.obj:-1: error: unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall testing::UnitTest::Run(void)" (?Run@UnitTest@testing@@QAEHXZ) referenced in function _main
TestMe.obj:-1: error: unresolved external symbol "public: static class testing::UnitTest * __cdecl testing::UnitTest::GetInstance(void)" (?GetInstance@UnitTest@testing@@SAPAV12@XZ) referenced in function _main
TestMe.obj:-1: error: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl testing::InitGoogleTest(int *,char * *)" (?InitGoogleTest@testing@@YAXPAHPAPAD@Z) referenced in function _main
TestMe.obj:-1: error: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall testing::internal::AssertHelper::~AssertHelper(void)" (??1AssertHelper@internal@testing@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "private: virtual void __thiscall MyTest_SomeTest_Test::TestBody(void)" (?TestBody@MyTest_SomeTest_Test@@EAEXXZ)