Hey I wrote a LudoGame and now I like to test it with a little GuiceInjection^^ I have an Interface IDie for my die. Now for the game I only need an IDie instead of a realdie => in tests I simply give the LudoGame a MokeDie to set up the Numbers I like to roll. The IDie has only one method: roll() which returns a int. BUT the mokeDie now has another public method: sendNextNumber() (should be clear what this does^^) Now I like to @Inject a Die and if @UseMokeDie is before a Test I'll like to pass the MokeDie but I'm very new to Guice... Need some advices please! Thx for Answers
For tests, your best bet is to manually construct instances. For example:
public void testAdvance() {
MockDie die = new MockDie();
LudoGame game = new LudoGame(die);
Jesse Wilson
2010-05-07 15:43:41
mhm it's working now... I added the sendNextNumber() to the Interface with @ForTestingOnly and then created 2 Modules. 1 For the tests and 1 for the real game (or the SmokeTest)
2010-05-07 18:35:04
You should really still not be using Guice in plain unit tests - in some integration tests it is viable though.
2010-05-08 06:01:42
You can try:
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
bind(IDie.class).toInstance(new MockDie());
2010-05-08 17:14:21