


+2  Q: 

Linq query problem

I have the following information

var details = Details.Where(d => d.isActive);

I would like to query another table, Authorizations, that has a FK to Details, and get the sum amounts of the authorizations that are contained within the details object grouped by the detail and a FundCode.

Details (1 to many) Authorizations

Seems simple enough, however I'm having a bit of trouble.

Here is what I currently have:

var account = (from sumOfAuths in Authorizations
               where details.Contains(sumOfAuths.Details)
                     && sumOfAuths.RequestStatusId == 2
               group sumOfAuths by new { sumOfAuths.Detail, sumOfAuths.FundCode } into child
               select new { 
                Amount = child.Amount 

The problem is that inside the .Sum() function I have collection of objects rather than 1. So I can't Sum the amounts properly.

+3  A: 

Generally, you can specify what it is you want to sum:

.Sum(x => x.Amount)

In groups, you can use nested sums:

.Sum(x => x.Sum(y => y.Amount));
David Hedlund
+2  A: 

I believe this query produces what you're looking for:

            var account = from c in Authorizations
                      where details.Contains(c.Details) && c.RequestStatusId == 2
                      group c by new { c.Detail, c.FundCode } into g
                      select new { Key = g.Key, Sum = g.Sum(x => x.Amount) };