Some days ago, our program crash. I found the crash in lua code. So I check lua code, found the stack overflow.
Please look this code In function luaD_precall
1 if (!cl->isC) { /* Lua function? prepare its call */
2 CallInfo *ci;
3 StkId st, base;
4 Proto *p = cl->p;
5 luaD_checkstack(L, p->maxstacksize);
6 func = restorestack(L, funcr);
7 if (!p->is_vararg) { /* no varargs? */
8 base = func + 1;
9 if (L->top > base + p->numparams)
10 L->top = base + p->numparams;
11 }
12 else { /* vararg function */
13 int nargs = cast_int(L->top - func) - 1;
14 base = adjust_varargs(L, p, nargs);
15 func = restorestack(L, funcr); /* previous call may change the stack */
16 }
17 ci = inc_ci(L); /* now `enter' new function */
18 ci->func = func;
19 L->base = ci->base = base;
20 ci->top = L->base + p->maxstacksize;
21 lua_assert(ci->top <= L->stack_last);
22 L->savedpc = p->code; /* starting point */
23 ci->tailcalls = 0;
24 ci->nresults = nresults;
25 for (st = L->top; st < ci->top; st++)
26 setnilvalue(st);
27 L->top = ci->top;
In my program, the p->maxstacksize
is 79 before line 5, the current stacksize is 51, after call luaD_checkstack
, the stacksize grow to 130.
The lua function use vararg, so will run to line 14. Function adjust_varargs
will be called.
static StkId adjust_varargs (lua_State *L, Proto *p, int actual) {
int i;
int nfixargs = p->numparams;
Table *htab = NULL;
StkId base, fixed;
for (; actual < nfixargs; ++actual)
#if defined(LUA_COMPAT_VARARG)
if (p->is_vararg & VARARG_NEEDSARG) { /* compat. with old-style vararg? */
int nvar = actual - nfixargs; /* number of extra arguments */
lua_assert(p->is_vararg & VARARG_HASARG);
htab = luaH_new(L, nvar, 1); /* create `arg' table */
In function adjust_varargs()
, the lua function use “arg”, So luaC_checkGC
will be called. In luaC_checkGC
, the current lua stack size will be reduce to 65!
The call stack like this:
luaC_step() singlestep() propagatemark() traversestack() checkstacksizes() luaD_reallocstack()
But the p->maxstacksize
is 79, the stacksize is not enough…
When the program run to line 27,the L->top
is bigger than L->stack_last
, in the next operation, will cause crash!